Notes Sent by Barton Regis Union, residing with Hampden Gillmor, farmer, Bonny River, Charlotte, NB. Inspection undertaken on 15 Feb 1900
Age 15, good home, works about the house and farm, good health, attends Baptist church and Sunday school, does not attend day school, can read and write, character=quick tempered and impudent. Terns-Board, Lodging and Clothing. This lad has been placed in a very respectable home. He, however does not appear to be happy or contented. Mrs Gillmor does not get along very well with him, she says that he is impudent and disobedient to her. He gets along better with Mr Gillmor. The lad is probably to a certain extent to blame
August 20 1902, originally with Hampbden Gilmour, Bonny River, Charlotte, NB
Age 16, this youth is employed in Haley's lumber mill, St Stephen. Through the efforts of the Anglican clergyman of the parish he found employment here. His earnings amount to $3 per week and he lives with a Mrs Grant, a very estimable widow lady receiving
his board and lodging in consideration of odd work he does about the house mornings and evenings. They are much interested in him, and are anxious that he should get a fair start. He is saving up his money. Mrs Grant states that he is a reliable lad. In my opinion, he is fortunate in getting such a good home
Contributors Created : 2010-09-30 10:14:38 / From original database Last Updated : 2011-04-17 02:08:04 /
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