Notes Sent by Barton Regis Union
Feb 20 1900
with James I Vanwart, farmer and post master, P.O Tennants Cove, Kings, NB
about 10 years of age, excellent home, employed at light work about the house, health good, but not a very robust looking lad, attends Baptist church and school, character-he is a truthful and obedient lad. Terms-Board, Lodging and Clothes. This boy has, I think, been well placed. Mrs Vanwart says that they like him. He attends school regularly. I saw his teacher, and was informed by her that he was getting along well with his lessons. The lad likes his home, and would not care to return to England.
August 6 1902, with James Vanwart, farmer, Tennants Cove, Kings, NB
Age 12, first class home, employed at chores, good health, attends Baptist Church and Parish School, excellent character,
Terms-Board and Clothes. William Thorne is much attached to Mr and Mrs Vanhart and they are really interested in his progress
and treat him as if he their own child. They will no doubt make an industrious boy of him. He has this year cultivated a patch of berries which they have set aside for him, in addition to other products, the proceeds of which he has for himself
Contributors Created : 2011-04-16 15:00:40 / From original database Last Updated : 2011-07-18 12:23:23 /
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