Notes Rose LEES was born 23 May 1890 at New Cross House Inn, Deptford Kent (London)
Her parents were John Lees Innkeeper & Mary Broderick of Oldham Lancashire, she had two older brothers John Scholes & James her brother Jacob was two years younger,they were also born in London.
Sometime between March & October 1892 the family returned to Oldham.
its unknown if the mother was with them. Their father died in December 1897 and by 1901
the two younger boys were with adoptive parents in Oldham and Rose was at 12 George Street, the Schoolgirls Home, in,Cheetam, Salford
Their grandparents were dead, but John's sister was married to a cotton mill owner and his brother was also a mill owner, though he was in a nursing home for years. Both their aunt & uncle had lots of children, but its sad they could not find room in their hearts & big houses for their eldest brother John's four children.
I have no idea what happened to Rose at and after the Marchmont Home, but c.1925 she went to visit her eldest brother John who still lived in Oldham, though it was said that she came from America.
She was never heard of again after returning to America.
Contributors Created : 2009-06-26 12:29:20 / From original database Last Updated :
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