Notes Parents: Ernest Walter Addyman and Florence Sarah Pincott, married 1886 Woolwich, Kent, England.
In 1901, William Addyman, 11, arrived at Portland, Maine, USA, in a group of 48 children from an unstated sending agency.
[POSSIBLE MATCH] On October 1, 1913, at Windsor, Essex, Ontario, Canada, a marriage was registered between William E. Addyman, 27, accountant, born in Ontario to Ernest W Addyman and Florence Allen; and Florence J. Elliott, 27, born in Ontario, to Louis Elliott and Annie Farrell.
Contributors Created : 2009-10-04 20:26:04 / From original database Last Updated : 2009-10-04 20:55:17 /
Family History Researchers RootsChatters with family connections to William Ernest Henry ADDYMAN: