Notes Andrew J. M. Murray was born in Hove, England, in the United Kingdom. In 1951 he was sent as a child migrant to the British colony of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where he was educated before going to university in South Africa. He continued his education at Oxford University (Rhodes Scholar 1971), where he gained a Master of Arts degree.
Returning to Africa, Murray worked as an executive in large corporations, then ran his own businesses. He also worked as a consultant, lecturer and industry journalist and served in the Rhodesian Air Force. He was deported from South Africa in 1968 for opposing the apartheid policies of the white minority r?gime. The deportation order was withdrawn in 1977. Murray migrated to Australia in 1989.
Murray was applauded by some as an intelligent and thoughtful debater in the Senate. Others believe that he acted against the wishes of his party's members in voting for the Goods and Services Tax bills in 1999, a stance which caused an irreparable party-room rift, leading to terminal loss of electoral support.
Murray pushed for greater transparency in government contracting activities by obtaining Senate support for a motion that required federal government ministers to indicate what clauses in contracts are confidential and to then justify the need for confidentiality. The impact of the Senate order resulted in a complex process to identify confidential information in the procurement process. The government issued guidance, updated in 2007, to provide further clarity, whereby tenderers must identify any information they consider is confidential and government procurement officers must assess such claims against four criteria. The legalistic and subjective nature of the criteria and the intrinsic complexity of the process sets the scene for inaccurate application of the test and inconsistent reporting by government agencies. The government's auditor does not report on the number of contracts requested by parliament that contain confidentiality provisions. The parliament has, and always has had, a legal right of access to government contracts.
In 2000 Senator Andrew Murray was part of a bid for a child migrant inquiry in Australia. He united with Opposition Leader, Kim Beazley, in obtaining support for a full Parliamentary inqurity in the issues of child migrants to Australia.
He said, "It is right and just that grievances and issues raised by child migrants to Australia are heard. There is much that needs to be resolved.
It is a chapter in Australian history that must be revisited. It is crucial that all Australians be given an opportunity to know that has transpired in our history -- the good and the bad."
Tim Colebatch, writer for The Age, reported about Andrew Murray on February 14, 2001: ? of the finest minds in Federal Parliament... few people have had such influence on legislation from the cross benches, or play such as important role as a bridge between the Democrat idealists and the hardnosed Liberal and Labor apparatchiks.?
Andrew Murray did not seek re-election at the 2007 federal election and retired at the expiration of his term on 30 June 2008.
Andrew is the Australian Democrats spokesperson for Accountability, Electoral Matters, Taxation, Finance & Corporate Affairs, and Workplace Relations. He is married with two grown children.
Contributors Created : 2009-03-02 09:00:27 / From original database Last Updated : 2009-03-02 10:16:51 /
Family History Researchers RootsChatters with family connections to Andrew James Marshall MURRAY: