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Record #27647
Name :
: Walter J PENFOLD (1904 - )
  aka : Walter WILLIS

: see notes below
: Clara Francis Lavina Wallace / Wallis
BMD and other details
Date of Birth
: 13 Sep 1904   Notes : from Salvation Army records

Marriage (1)
Marriage (2)

Date of Death
Abode (1) : Place of BirthEngland, Surrey, Croydon
Abode (2) : Place of Death / Burial
Sailing Information
Date of Arrival
: 6 Jun 1914   Notes : ship left Liverpool 29 May 1914
: Canada

: Empress of Britain

Placement Family
: O. Tennant, Petrolia, Ontario
Homes / Agencys
Institution (GB)
: Rochford Union Workhouse

: Salvation Army
NotesPenfold Family Summary
Mother Clara Wallace aka Wallis also went by Clara Willis and Clara Baxter and Clara Bulcombe.
There is a birth in 1882 in Croydon of Clara Francis Lavina Wallis d/o John Wallis and Amelia Bulcombe.
Clara registered her children’s births under several names: Willis, Wallace, Penfold, Baxter
When two of Clara’s daughters got married they give Harry Penfold and Walter Penfold as their fathers.
Clara’s identity was determined by two of her children giving her as a contact in England, Mrs Clara Baxter. Mrs Clara Baxter is the wife of Leonard Baxter. Their marriage certificate indicates she was a widow Clara Francis Lavina Willis and her maiden name was Wallace.
1909 September 15 birth registered of Violet May Elizabeth daughter of Walter Penfold and Clara Penfold. (mother gave information)
1912 February 24 birth registered of James William Willis son of Ernest Henry Willis and Clara Francis Willis nee Balcombe. (mother gave information)

Children of Clara:
1901 Henry Arthur“Harry”Penfold aka Willis SA records say 18 November 1901
1903 Amelia Penfold aka Willis aka Wallace SA records say 03 April 1903
1904 Walter Penfold aka Willis aka Wallace SA records say 13 September 1904/ GRO 1905 4thQtr John Walter Wallace no father Mother:Wallace
1907 Dorothy Martha Penfold aka Willis
1909 Violet May Elizabeth aka Willis GRO 4thQtr 1909 Penfold Violet May Elizabeth mother: Wallace - GRO birth registration for Violet May Elizabeth Penfold born 15 September 1909 – father: Walter Penfold mother: Clara Penfold formerly Wallace
1912 James Willis 24 February 1912 according to 1939 Register / GRO has James Willis b 1stQtr 1912 mother: Bultcombe (? Interesting that Clara’s mother’s maiden name is Bulcombe)- GRO birth registration for James William Willis born 24 February 1912 – father: Ernest Henry Willis – mother: Clara Francis Willis formerly Bullcombe
1914 Leonard Baxter born 28 April 1914 according to 1939 Register / GRO 2ndQtr 1914 Leonard J Baxter Mother: Wallace (Clara’s maiden name)
1916 John Willis / Baxter born 22 March 1916 according to 1939 Register / GRO 2ndQtr 1916 mother: Bulcombe (? Interesting that Clara’s mother’s maiden name is Bulcombe)

1911 census 3 Alfred Terrace, Gossett Avenue, Prittlewell, Rochford, Essex - Clara and Harry Willis and the following are in their household: Harry Willis age 34 b Ilfrod, Essex, Clara age 32 b Croydon, Arthur age 9 b Croydon, Amelia age 8 b Croydon, Walter age 5 b Croydon, Martha age 3 b Croydon,Violet age 1 b Gt Wakering, Essex

1914 May 26 Medical performed on children: Amelia, Walter and Harry “Penfold” at Acacia House (children’s home under Rochford Union) in Rochford
1914 29 May 1914 Salvation Army list of children going to SA, 105 Indian Road, Toronto on "Empress of Britain" includes Harry, Walter and Amelia “Penfold” from the Rochford Union Workhouse
1914 06 June 1914 ship arrived in Quebec with Harry, Walter and Amelia “Penfold” with SA group
1914 Board of Guardians report Amelia Penfold has “Wallace” beside her name
1919 September 03 Amelia Harriett Penfold marries W. Dartnall - says parents are Harry Penfold and Clara Smith (note: W Dartnall is marrying Helen Duthie in Detroit in 1948 – what happened to Amelia?)
1922 May 26 Dorothy Penfold age 16 is coming to Canada sponsored by SA and coming to join her sister Mrs. W. H. Dartnall (this is Amelia) in Hannon, Ontario. Her contact in England is her mother, Mrs Baxter - Mrs Clara Baxter is “Clara Willis nee Wallace (widow) who married Leonard Baxter 24 August 1924 in Kensington, London”

1926 July 15 Dorothy Martha Penfold marries Cyrus Ribble in Hannon, Wentworth, Ontario – her witnesses include Walter Penfold and Mrs W. Dartnall – Dorothy gives her parents as Walter Penfold and Clara Smith

Henry Arthur Penfold is crossing the border several times – gives his birth as Croydon
- 1925 gives brother Walter in Ontario as contact – wife Elizabeth (whose wife ? Walter or Harry?)
- 1947 contact in England Mrs Clara Baxter Wilsham Road, London –Mrs Clara Baxter is “Clara Willis nee Wallace (widow) who married Leonard Baxter 24 August 1924 in Kensington, London”
- 1947 ship list gives “Mrs C Ribble”, Hornby, Ontario as contact (this is his sister Dorothy Martha Penfold)

BHC records

Walter J Penfold
1904 Walter Penfold aka Willis aka Wallace SA records say 13 September 1904 / GRO 1905 4thQtr John Walter Wallace no father Mother: Wallace
1914 May 26 Medical performed on children: Amelia, Walter and Harry “Penfold” at Acacia House (children’s home under Rochford Union) in Rochford
1914 29 May 1914 Salvation Army list of children going to SA, 105 Indian Road, Toronto on "Empress of Britain" includes Harry, Walter and Amelia “Penfold” from the Rochford Union Workhouse
1914 06 June 1914 ship arrived in Quebec with Harry, Walter and Amelia “Penfold” with SA group

According to Salvation Army and Boards of Guardians records:
1914 Walter J Penfold had seven inspections starting January 13 through June 22, January 8, April2 and July 5
1916 June O. Tennant Petrolia Lambton
1917 January The Home Toronto York
1918 April Mrs S Freekern Sydenham Frontenac
Stayed at Seymour Freekerns through July 1921
1922 July Ernest Moon Moon’s Corners Sydenham Frontenac
Stayed at Moons through April 1923
Inspections complete
Note on file: This boy has left Mr Moon’s employ last fall and returned to the “Home” in Toronto., now believed to be working on a farm close to Hamilton

1916 Walter Penfold – Petrolia Topic Newspaper – August 1916
Oliver Tennant of the 5th Concession was before police magistrate Kelly at the police court on Tuesday morning on a charge of assaulting and beating a home boy Walter Penfolt (sic Penfold) who had been working for him for some nine months. The charge was laid by Mrs L. V. Vallance, matron of the Children’s Emigrant Home, Toronto. The boy who is 10 years old was left at home last Wednesday while Mr and Mrs Tennant were away and during that time took some apples and cookies from the pantry. On being accused of the matter he denied it for which he was unmercifully punished. His back and arms were black and blue and he also carried a heavy ridge across the nose from being struck with a basin. The lad left the farm spent Thursday night in a barn and Friday night with a neighbor. Saturday night he came to town and told his story to D. Churchill who with the Salvation Army captain notified the head of the Toronto home.
After hearing all the evidence the magistrate decided the treatment the child received was altogether unmerciful and imposed a fine of $15 and costs. $43.25 in all.

1926 July 15 Dorothy Martha Penfold marries Cyrus Ribble in Hannon, Wentworth, Ontario – her witnesses include Walter Penfold and Mrs W. Dartnall – Dorothy gives her parents as Walter Penfold and Clara Smith - Walter gives his address as R.R.#1, Glanford Station, Ontario 
ContributorsCreated : 2017-11-19 17:03:00 / janismccahill

Last Updated : 2025-03-02 17:30:05 / janismccahill

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IDNameDOBPlace of birthArrivals & ShipsDest.AgencyFamily links
27647 PENFOLD, Walter J1904ENG, SRY, Croydon Jun 1914 : Empress of Britain CAN Salvation Army fleetwoodmac1