Notes Alice Elizabeth Kates/Keats was born September quarter 1898 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. She was the illegitimate daughter of Sarah “Elizabeth” Kates.
Name: Mother's Maiden Surname:
GRO Reference: 1898 S Quarter in IPSWICH Volume 04A Page 928
Alice’s mother married Edgar W. Tricker in 1899
1901 Census
Registration district:Ipswich
St Michael
County/Island: Suffolk
Country: England
Name Age
Edgar W Tricker 23
Elizabeth Tricker 21
Alice Tricker 2
William Tricker 1
1911 English Census records for Sarah Elizabeth Tricker, Alice’s mother, list her as a Housekeeper at 2 Bramford Lane, Coes Cottages, Ipswich, Suffolk, England in the household of Arthur Hammond. She is still listed as Married, however there is no record of Edgar.
Alice is an inmate, along with her brother William in the Workhouse School, St Johns Home For Boys and Girls, Freehold Road and Bloomfield Street, Ipswich.
Given Name(s): Alice
Surname: KEATS
Gender: F
Age: 15
Year of Arrival: 1914
Date of Departure: 1914-06-16
Port of Departure: London
Date of Arrival: 1914-07-01
Port of Arrival: Quebec
Party: Barnardo Homes
Destination: Peterborough, Ontario
Children travelling together: Q14IG
Comments: See also T-5563 (manifest index)
Type of Records: Passenger Lists
Microfilm Reel Number: T-4810
Reference: RG 76 C1a
Source: Library and Archives Canada
Database Item Number: 89549
Boards of Guardians records dated Aug 17, 1918 indicate Alice had married but no further information has yet been found.