Notes RATLEY, Cecil, died July 8, 1903, age 13, Death record states "shot himself - accidental". Cecil is listed as "Farmer's help"...concession 2, County of Elgin , Division of Yarmouth, Ontario.
.....making the report of his death is L. Moedinger & Son (funeral home)...the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Genealog Society has some records or Cecil that can be looked up (for a fee)..."The following burials, from 1903 to 1911, contain additional information in the record book. Requests for lookups can be made to Elgin OGS from this list: Ratley, Cecil G., 1903, page 4...
....they also state on an ancestry website that "Cecil Ratley died in a shooting accident. His obituary is found in the Aylmer Express, July 16, 1903. He is buried in Sparta South Cemetery, a few miles from Aylmer, in Yarmouth Township."
Contributors Created : 2012-11-16 11:25:08 / From original database Last Updated : 2012-11-16 11:26:43 /
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