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Record #24366
Name :
: Caroline FRIEDRICH (1881 - 1966)
  aka : BRAUN (NEE FRIEDRICH) (anglicised name)

: Frederic FRIEDRICH
BMD and other details
Date of Birth
: 28 Jan 1881   Notes : 1939 Register

Marriage (1)
: 4 Sep 1904   Spouse/Notes : St Giles, Ardwick
Marriage (2)

Date of Death
: Q1 1966   Notes : Registered in Manchester
Abode (1) : Country of Origin / NotesGermany
Abode (2)England, Lancashire, Manchester

61 Chancery Lane
1901 Census
Abode (3)England, Yorkshire, Bradford

367 Ashton New Road
1911 Census
Abode (4)England, Lancashire, Manchester

266 Wilbraham Road
1939 Register
NotesMarriage to ID 24365 Frederick Johann BRAUN. Witnesses Leonhard LAMBNRECHT and Lily FRIEDRICH. Living at 229 Ashton Old Street on marriage, Frederick at 69 Chancery Street.
Children - Minnie 1905 and Lily Mabel 4 May 1907 (m Frank REISS, son of ID 586 Karl REISS).
1901 Census - assisting ID 272 Georg Leonhard HAAG.
1921 Census at 28 Springwood Avenue, Huddersfield visiting ID 1059 Leonhard Charles DINKEL along with daughter Lily.
PB Links - possible family links to FRIEDRICH sisters ID's 209 Rosine Katharine and 28921 Katharine. 
ContributorsCreated : 2015-05-21 19:53:57 / limehouse79

Last Updated : 2020-08-10 20:33:54 / limehouse79

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IDName"aka" (anglicised)DOBPlace of birth, originAbode(s)Family links
24366 FRIEDRICH, CarolineBRAUN (NEE FRIEDRICH) 1881 D__,      ENG, LAN, Manchester
ENG, YKS, Bradford
ENG, LAN, Manchester