Unless otherwise stated, 'Census' always refers to the UK Census (England
and Wales) 'Free/Pay' means limited access for free, then pay for details.
1901 Census - Institutions: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jeffery.knaggs/Instuts.html "This is an index to Institutions in the 1901 Census of England and Wales.
It includes only those institutions that were enumerated separately from ordinary households, not those small ones that were enumerated amongst the surrounding houses. " | | Institutions |
Asylums : see Category: Institutions | | Institutions |
Hidden Lives: http://www.hiddenlives.org.uk/articles/ Ragged Schools, Industrial Schools and Reformatories | | Institutions |
Industrial Schools : see Missing Ancestors | | Institutions |
Institutions : Category for Asylums, Orphanages, Workhouses | | Institutions |
Lunatic Asylums: http://studymore.org.uk/4_13_ta.htm Index of English and Welsh Lunatic Asylums and Mental Hospitals. Based on a comprehensive survey in 1844, and extended to other asylums. | | Institutions |
Missing Ancestors : http://www.missing-ancestors.com/ This site contains information, on INDUSTRIAL/REFORMATORY SCHOOLS & the like in England and Wales during the 19th and early 20th century Including Orphan Homes, Refuges, Ragged Schools, Missions, Scattered Homes | | Institutions |
Poor Law Unions : see Workhouse sites in Category: Institutions | | Institutions |
Ragged Schools : see Category: Institutions | | Institutions |
Rossbrett Site : http://www.institutions.org.uk Asylums, Workhouses, etc, etc | Free | Institutions |
Workhouse Site (1): http://users.ox.ac.uk/~peter/workhouse/ The Peter Higginbotham Workhouse Site. General and specific histories of workhouses. Details of available records, Photos, plans, descriptions, etc. | | Institutions |
Workhouse Site (2): http://www.institutions.org.uk/ Rossbret Institutions Site. General and specific histories of workhouses. Details of available records, Photos, plans, descriptions, etc. | | Institutions |
Unless otherwise stated, 'Census' always refers to the UK Census (England
and Wales) 'Free/Pay' means limited access for free, then pay for details.