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Record #5373
Name :
: William Wilton EPTON (1909 - )

BMD and other details
Date of Birth
: 1909

Marriage (1)
Marriage (2)

Date of Death
Abode (1) : Place of BirthEngland, Yorkshire, Bradford
Abode (2) : Place of Death / Burial
Sailing Information
Date of Arrival
: 28 Aug 1925
: Canada

: Montnairn

Placement Family
Homes / Agencys
Institution (GB)

: National Childrens Home
NotesNext of kin on passenger list given as Sister-/Mrs Grimshaw, 20 Lindon Ave, Thornbury, Bradford', destination-The National Childrens Home, Hamilton, Ont, intended occupation-farming (his sister was Emily F Epton who wed Alexander Grimshaw in 1922)

On 6 December 1931 William Epton, 22, farmer, returned to England on SS Laurentic, his destination was 29 Whitby Road, Toller Lane, Bradford, Yorkshire.

William W Epton married Margaret Dyson in Bradford, Yorkshire in 1951

A death of a William Wilton Epton, aged 81 was registered in May 1990 in Lancaster, Lancashire. 
ContributorsCreated : 2009-02-28 04:06:04 / From original database

Last Updated : 2011-06-09 01:29:35 /

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IDNameDOBPlace of birthArrivals & ShipsDest.AgencyFamily links
5525 BROADBENT, Alexander1955ENG, YKS, Bradford Oct 1964 : Castel Felice AUS Fairbridge Homes  
5520 BROADBENT, Dorothy1954ENG, YKS, Bradford Oct 1964 : Castel Felice AUS Fairbridge Homes  
5524 BROADBENT, Harry1952ENG, YKS, Bradford Oct 1964 : Castel Felice AUS Fairbridge Homes  
5522 BROADBENT, Irene C.1957ENG, YKS, Bradford Oct 1964 : Castel Felice AUS Fairbridge Homes  
5521 BROADBENT, Jean1951ENG, YKS, Bradford Oct 1964 : Castel Felice AUS Fairbridge Homes  
5523 BROADBENT, Margaret1950ENG, YKS, Bradford Oct 1964 : Castel Felice AUS Fairbridge Homes  
8196 CARSON, Douglas R1914ENG, YKS, Bradford Sep 1928 : Antonia CAN National Childrens Home  
4951 COOKE, Francis1911ENG, YKS, Bradford Aug 1925 : Montnairn CAN Catholic Emigration Association  
4950 COOKE, Richard1910ENG, YKS, Bradford Aug 1925 : Montnairn CAN Catholic Emigration Association  
3506 CORLIS, Mark1880ENG, LAN, Bradford Apr 1890 : Sardinian CAN Salford Catholic Protection and Rescue Society  
11475 DUNN, Elizabeth 1901ENG, YKS, Bradford Sep 1920 : Minnedosa CAN Catholic Emigration Association  
5373 EPTON, William Wilton1909ENG, YKS, Bradford Aug 1925 : Montnairn CAN National Childrens Home  
14585 ORROCK, Ellen1876ENG, YKS, Bradford Jun 1884 : Buenos Ayrean CAN Quarriers  
14584 ORROCK, Harriet1877ENG, YKS, Bradford Jun 1884 : Buenos Ayrean CAN Quarriers  
5304 PARKER, William1912ENG, YKS, Bradford Aug 1930 : Duchess of York CAN British Immigration and Colonisation Association  
8404 RAMSDEN, Kenneth Arthur1913ENG, YKS, Bradford Sep 1924 : Melita CAN Barnardos