Notes a birth of a Harold Corfield was registered in Apr Qtr of 1915 in Salford, mothers maiden name Hibbert
next of kin given as Mother-Mrs Corfield, address unknown, Grandmother-Mrs HIbbert, 5 Cross St, Lower Broughton, Manchester, , destination Mr John Hobday, 538 Jarvis St, Toronto, intended occupation farmng.
a mention was made in Ups and Downs May 1930 edition
Harold Corfield - letter, new Party boy
On Oct 20 1935, Harold Corfield, 20, farm lab, entered America via Niagara Falls, he stated he was born in Manchester, his last residence was Bellwood, Ontario, his contact in canada-Employer-Jno F Alexander, he only intended to stay 1 day.
Contributors Created : 2009-02-22 13:25:15 / From original database Last Updated : 2011-11-12 04:52:06 /
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