Notes Sent by Edmonton Union
was with Mrs S Conger, P.O Picton, Prince Edward, Ontario,
May 21 1900
Age 16, good home, employed as general servant, attends Methodist Church and Sunday school; fair education, character honest but inclined to be quick tempered. Terms-Wages $2 for 9 months. Mrs Conger states she could not depend on her to do anything unless with her. She is now with Mrs Samuel Noxon, P.O Wellington, having been removed by Mrs Owen of Dr Barnardo's Home on the 17th instant
with Mrs Samuel Noxon, P.O Wellington, Prince Edward, Ontario
May 22 1900
Age 16, excellent home, employed as general servant, good health, attends Methodist church, does not go to school, was in 4th standard in England, character-willing; of good character so far-terms-wages $3 per month. Gives satisfaction so far, only came her thursday of last week. The girl likes her new home. She is happy and contented. Mrs Noxon states that she is getting along nicely.
The girl informed me that she could not get along with Mrs Conger's little granddaughter who used to tell tales on her, and Mrs Conger would scold her. This was why she wanted to leave the Congers. In every other way she was treated well. She is rather a neat and tidy girl.
Contributors Created : 2011-07-12 11:54:06 / From original database Last Updated : 2011-07-12 12:42:32 /
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