Notes Sent by Westminster Union
with Archie McVicar, farmer, P.O Harrietsville, Lot 14, Con. 7, South Dorchester Twp, Elgin, Ontario
July 10 1900
Age about 16, comfortable home, employed looking after cow, and does gardening, attends Presbyterian church and Union Sunday school, does not attend Public School, character-a fairly good boy. terms-$75 for three years and eight months.
Mr McVicar and Heard were at Aylmer some ten miles distant for the day. I saw Mrs McVicar, however, and she informed me that
Heard is fairly satisfactory to them. He is inclined to be quick tempered and does not like to be corrected. He takes an interest in his work and is industrious. Mr McVicar has rented his farm and is only working 5 acres of land. The home is neat and the surroundings pleasant. Heard's brother William lives about a mile distant and he states that Frederick is contented and never complained. They see one another frequently.
With-Archibald McVicar, farmer, Harriersville, Middlesex, Ontario
Feb 27 1902
Age 17, He likes farming and does not find the work "extra hard". He states he gets along agreeably with his employer and family, and is very comfortable. This is his first place in Canada. Mr McVicar is, I judge a comfortably off farmer
Contributors Created : 2011-04-07 09:37:45 / From original database Last Updated : 2011-07-09 04:29:28 /
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