Notes Marriage 18 October 1885 to ID 2525 Maria Rosina WAGNER.
Naturalisation - Residence 104 Victoria Dock Road, West Ham. (Source - National Archives)
DOD 12 January 1920 Oliphants, Chase Farm, Basildon Road, Basildon (Source - Probate Registers)
1881 Census assisting ID 2523 Henry Utz
PB Links - Son in law of ID 904 Charles Wagner
WW1 suspicion against german residents rife even those naturalised. A neighbour spotted a pigeon landing on Henry's house and he was arrested by the military on suspicion of using carrier pigeons to convey messages to the enemy. Taken away by 5 soldiers, various checks carried out, his barn and premises searched but nothing found. It turned out Henry did not keep pigeons. The case was dropped, although he was threatened with deferred internment. (Source Castle Point in the Great War)