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Record #1168
Name :
: Gustav Wilhelm HANSELMANN (1861 - 1926)

: Johann Christoph Friedrich HANSELMANN
: Maria Margaretha HÄFNER
BMD and other details
Date of Birth
: 20 Apr 1861

Marriage (1)
: Q4 1886   Spouse/Notes : Registered in Sunderland
Marriage (2)

Date of Death
: 27 Jun 1926   Notes : Probate
: 1 Jul 1897   Notes : Naturalisation
Abode (1) : Country of Origin / NotesGermany, Baden-Württemberg, Blaufelden
Abode (2)England, Durham, Sunderland

19 High Street
1881 Census
Abode (3)England, Durham, Sunderland

260 High Street
1891 Census
Abode (4)England, Durham, Sunderland

245 High Street
1901 Census
NotesMarriage to ID 28782 Katharine KÖHN.
Children - Gertrude Rosalie and Frederick Ernest 1888 and Albert Edward 1892.
1881 Census - assisting ID 24703 Frederick M RUPP.
1891 Census - F DRUCKENMULLER 17, ID 2203 Hermann WIELAND 19, M ABEL 18 and L MULLER 21 assisting.
1901 Census - Carl MULLER 20, Frederick SCHICK 22, ID 2215 Frederick HERRMAN 19 and Sophie HÄFNER 22 assisting.
1911 Census at 1 Prince Street, Sunderland.
1921 Census and Probate at 32 Devonshire Place, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Probate granted to Katharine.
Gustav and Katharine buried at Jesmond Old Cemetery - Findagrave - photograph available.
PB Links - brother ID 2150 Karl August HANSELMANN. 
ContributorsCreated : RichardFunk

Additional Contributions from : limehouse79

Last Updated :

Family History ResearchersRootsChatters with family connections to Gustav Wilhelm HANSELMANN:

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Surnames starting with:   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  30 Entries        
Page: [1] 2 3 4 118 Entries        
IDName"aka" (anglicised)DOBPlace of birth, originAbode(s)Family links
1272 ???, Margaret Maria Barbara  D__,     , Gütbach/ Gerabronn ENG, NBL, Newcastle
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
2638 ABEL, John Heinrich 1878 D__, BWU, Crispenhofen ENG, DUR, Jarrow
ENG,     , Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Jarrow 
2640 ABELE, Louis 1860 D__, BWU, Künzelsau ENG, YKS, Bradford
ENG, YKS, Bradford
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
28455 ALTDÖRFER, Gottlob 1882 D__, BWU, Kirchheim ENG, DUR, Sunderland
D__, BWU, Ulm 
998 BALBACH, Georg 1869 D__, BWU, Oberhof ENG, NBL, Tynemouth
ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
997 BALBACH, Hermann 1875 D__, BWU, Oberhof ENG, NBL, Tynemouth
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
24777 BANZHAF, EliseDIRR (NEE BANZHAF) 1875 D__, BWU ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
999 BARTELMEH, Johann Caspar Leonhard 1860 D__, BWU, Gütbach ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Gateshead 
27864 BAUER, Friedrich Hermann 1880 D__, BWU, Döttingen ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
28619 BREITSCHWERDT, Margarethe KatharineBREITSCHWERDT / HORNUNG 1883 D__, BWU, Blaufelden ENG, YKS, Sunderland
ENG, YKS, Castleford 
28620 BREITSCHWERDT, RosinaBREITSCHWERDT / EHRMANN 1880 D__, BWU, Blaufelden ENG, DUR, Sunderland  
28787 BRODBECK, KateHEPPERLE (NEE BRODBECK) 1882 D__, BWU ENG, DUR, Sunderland
D__, BWU, Ohmeden 
29051 BRUCK, George 1883 D__, BWU, Künzelsau ENG, DUR, Sunderland
USA, NY_, Brooklyn 
2280 BRüCK, Georg FriedrichBRUK 1843 D__, BWU, Morsbach, Künzelsau ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Bishop Wearmouth
ENG, DUR, Bishop Wearmouth 
2292 BRÜCK, Georg FriedrichBRUK 1869 ENG, DUR, Bishop Wearmouth ENG, DUR, Sunderland
28594 BRUK, Frederick 1879 D__, BWU, Morsbach ENG, NBL, Newcastle upon Tyne
ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Darlington 
2393 BURKHARD, JohannBURKHARD 1846 D__, BWU, Künzelsau ENG, DUR, Sunderland  
28858 DINKEL, PaulineRAPP (NEE DINKEL) 1876 D__, BWU, Bernhausen ENG, LND, Bethnal Green
ENG, LND, Putney
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
24776 DIRR, Johann Georg 1878 D__, BWU, Dettingen ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Sunderland
USA, OH_, Cincinnati 
25282 DOMAY, Karl Friedrich 1881 D__, BWU, Neckarsulm, Jagsthausen ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Felling
ENG, NBL, Newcastle upon Tyne 
1073 EGNER, Georg Augustus 1868 D__, BWU, Crispenhofen  ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Jarrow 
1074 EGNER, Magdalene PaulineHUB (NEE EGNER) 1860 D__, BWU, Crispenhofen  ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Hartlepool
ENG, NBL, Tynemouth 
28267 EGNER, Maria MagdalenaHORNBERGER (NEE EGNER) 1863 D__, BWU, Crispenhofen  ENG, DUR, Sunderland  
1084 EHRMANN, B. 1861 D__,     , Riedbach/ Gerabronn ENG, DUR, Sunderland  
178 EHRMANN, Friedrich 1886 D__, BWU, Hollenbach ENG, DUR, Sunderland  
24803 EHRMANN, Johann Georg KonradEHRMANN 1863 D__,      ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, NBL, Ashington
ENG, NBL, Ashington 
28612 ETZEL, MargaretGRATER (NEE ETZEL) 1873 D__,      ENG, DUR, Gateshead
ENG, DUR, Sunderland 
28031 FÖRSTNER, Johann Georg AndreasFOSTER 1840 D__, BWU, Gaisbach ENG, YKS, Sheffield
ENG, DOR, Sunderland
ENG,     , Newcastle upon Tyne 
236 GÖTZ, AnnaSTEINBRENNER (NEE GÖTZ) 1887 D__, BWU, Blaufelden ENG, DUR, Sunderland
ENG, DUR, Houghton le Spring 
239 GÖTZ, Heinrich 1898 D__, BWU, Blaufelden ENG, DUR, Sunderland  
IDName"aka" (anglicised)DOBPlace of birth, originAbode(s)Family links
Page: [1] 2 3 4 118 Entries        
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