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Record #2806
Name :
: Mary Ann PENFOLD (1856 - )

BMD and other details
Date of Birth
: 1856

Marriage (1)
Marriage (2)

Date of Death
Abode (1) : Place of Birth, Ferring
Abode (2) : Place of Death / Burial
Sailing Information
Date of Arrival
: 7 Aug 1871
: Canada

: Prussian

Placement Family
Homes / Agencys
Institution (GB)

: Maria Rye
Notes1861 Census - Littlehampton, Worthing, West Sussex, England
Mary Penfold, 6, Daughter, born Ferring, Sussex - Eliza Penfold, 39, mother
William Penfold, 14 - Charles Penfold, 12 - Edward Penfold, 10 - Alfred Penfold, 2

1871 Census East Preston Workhouse, West Sussex, England
Mary Ann Penfold, 14 scholar, born Ferring, Sussex
Alfred Penfold, 11, scholar, born Ferring, Sussex

July 19 1871, Orphan, East Preston Union paid ?12
PRO Ref: MH12/12907

1878 Rye Report - #429, Co Lanark, Almonte, stet

(Marriage) Mary Ann Penfold, Birth Place:Yorkshire?, England (sb Sussex) Age: 21 abt 1859
Father Name:George Penfold Mother Name: Eliza Penfold
Spouse Name: James Thompson Spouse's Age: 20, 1860, Birth Place: Canada
Spouse Father Name:William Thompson - Spouse Mother Name: Margaret Gemmill
Marriage Date:14 Oct 1880 - Marriage County or District:Lanark

births of 2 children
Mabel Thompson 2 Aug 1881 Female Lanark James Thompson Mary Ann Benford
Hattie May Thompson 1 Aug 1888 Female Lanark James G Thompson Mary Ann Penfold

husband's death
James G Thompson, Death Date:19 Jul 1889, County Lanark - Age: 29, Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860

1891 Census of Ontario, Lanark North, Almonte Town
Mary Ann Thompson, Widowed, Age: 31 abt 1860 Birthplace:England
Relation to Head of House: Head - Religion:Baptist
Father's Birth Place:England - Mother's Birth Place:England

Mary Ann Thompson 31 widow
Mabel Thompson 9
Margaret Thompson 7
William Thompson 4
Hattie Thompson 2

Eva Pearl Thompson, 27 Apr 1895 Birth County Lanark
Father's Name: Illegitimate - Mother's Name: Mary Ann Thompson
Archive Name:Archives of Ontario Archive Series:MS929 Archive Reel:132

Mary Thompson Birth Place:England Age: 40 abt 1862
Father Name: Thompson Mother Name: Thompson
Spouse Name: James More, Spouse's Age: 38, abt 1864, Birth Place: Perth
Spouse Father Name: John More - Spouse Mother Name: Ellen McArthur
Marriage Date:1 Oct 1902 - Marriage County or District:Lanark

1911 Census of Canada, Lanark North, Ontario
Mary More, Married, Age: 48 Birth Date: Nov 1862 - England
Relation to Head of House: Wife - Immigration Year:1871

James More 47
Mary More 48
William Thompson 25
Hattie Thompson 22
Eva Thompson 16

Mary Ann More - Death Date: 21 Feb 1925 - County Lanark - Age:62 abt 1863 Birth,Eng - tuberculosis

Mabel Thompson, Age: 24 abt 1885
Father Name: James Thompson - Mother Name: Mary Penfold
Spouse Name:Frances Wallace Hastings - Age: 25 abt 1882
Spouse Father Name: Thos Hastings - Spouse Mother Name:Charlotte Wheeler
Marriage Date: 3 Aug 1909 - Marriage County or District: Lanark
witness Hattie Thompson & Orville Simpson

Hattie May Thompson - born Sherbrooke, Ontario - Age: 21 abt 1891
Father Name: James Gamble Thompson - Mother Name: Mary Ann Penfold
Spouse Name:Norman James Finnie - Age:25 abt 1887 Birth Place:Oshawa, Ontario
Spouse Father Name: James William Finnie Spouse Mother Name: Emma Wheeler
Marriage Date:25 Sep 1912 Marriage County Lanark
witness Wm Geo Thompson & Annie Duffy 
ContributorsCreated : 2007-08-02 11:01:07 / From original database

Last Updated : 2013-10-02 12:59:18 /

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IDNameDOBPlace of birthArrivals & ShipsDest.AgencyFamily links
2807 PENFOLD, Alfred1859ENG,    , Ferring Aug 1871 : Prussian CAN Maria Rye  
27646 PENFOLD, Amelia Harriett1903ENG, SRY, Croydon Jun 1914 : Empress of Britain CAN Salvation Army  
22177 PENFOLD, Amos1886ENG, LDN, London Apr 1897 : Labrador CAN Barnardos  
7433 PENFOLD, Augustus George1896ENG, LDN, London Apr 1905 : Kensington CAN Barnardos  
7428 PENFOLD, Bert1899ENG,     Mar 1907 : Dominion CAN Barnardos  
18833 PENFOLD, George1890ENG,     Sep 1899 : Arawa CAN Barnardos  
27645 PENFOLD, Henry Arthur1901ENG, ESS, Ilfrod Jun 1914 : Empress of Britain CAN Salvation Army  
16613 PENFOLD, Hugh1910ENG,     Apr 1924 : Montclare CAN Barnardos  
22166 PENFOLD, James1886ENG,     Apr 1897 : Labrador CAN Barnardos  
16469 PENFOLD, James Thomas1908ENG, KEN, Hawkhurst Sep 1921 : Minnedosa CAN Barnardos  
2806 PENFOLD, Mary Ann1856___,    , Ferring Aug 1871 : Prussian CAN Maria Rye  
21785 PENFOLD, Peter Bruce William1897ENG, LND, London Apr 1912 : Empress of Ireland CAN Fegan Homes for Boys  
21463 PENFOLD, Sidney Cecil1895 Apr 1905 : Kensington CAN Barnardos  
27647 PENFOLD, Walter J1904ENG, SRY, Croydon Jun 1914 : Empress of Britain CAN Salvation Army fleetwoodmac1