Event Calendar

You can view the Event Calendar by clicking on the button at the top of every RootsChat page:
Forum Navigations Buttons - Calendar

RootsChat Event Calendar

Your birthday will be automatically entered if you have entered the data in your profile.
All names are links to their profiles.

"Events" can be FHS meetings, FH talks, FH Fairs, Open Days or other events with genealogical interest. Each name is a link to a topic with details about this event.

They can be entered by using
  • the [Post event] button at the bottom of the calendar

  • the [Link to Calendar] button at the bottom of the Topic Pages

Birthdays and events entered in the calendar will also be shown at the bottom of the home page:

Upcoming Calendar

Upcoming Calendar
Upcoming birthdays: Bold-type means today, otherwise, within the next few days.
All names are links to their profiles.
Upcoming Events Again, bold-type means today, otherwise, "soon").
Each name is a link to a topic with details about this event.

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